Friday, October 10, 2008

"Your ego is writing checks your body can't cash"

I love movies and that quote from Top Gun.Obviously it was directed to Maverick but it's applicable to me in my training.This lament comes after this mornings session of presses,bands,amd yesterdays bending.

This morning I was in an odd mood.Well at least odd for me!(hehe)Not sure what to do I should have taken that as a sign to do nothing.Anyway I decided to do a few TGUs' and a few drop sets of military presses before taking off for the weekend this afternoon.So I did a couple of sets of the former for 3 reps with the 53kg.Then I did a few rounds of drop set presses as follows.53 for 2,36 for 6,and 12 with a mini band attached for 5.Those bands make a huge difference!

Well now I feel like I got run over by a truck!LOL At the base of my left ring and middle finger I have a throbbing paim probably from the bending yesterday.Overall I feel run down and want to take a map.I know from past experience and a little junk food will fix this.Note to self-learn the meaning of easy days!

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