Wednesday, October 22, 2008

How to shock yourself when your dad irritates you!

Okay I'm being polite I should say when he pisses you off first thing in the morning!LOL I am generally in a good mood in the morning but not when it starts to get cold.It was 30 degress here this morning and I hate it!Okay I know for a lot of people that ain't cold but for me it is.I think I need to move to Hawaii or Puerto Rico as I have relatives in both places.Anyway I'll get to the point.

I did my Z training as usual when I got up and then had breakfast.My breakfasts are wierd as I don't have an appetite when I get up so I just had a mug of hot chocolate with a lot of whipped cream!yum lol.I put on some sweats which I hate because I like training in shorts but the house was cold.That was the starting point for argueing with my dad.So as we're yelling back and forth I crank up the Rolling Stones and start to practice my getups.I guess because now I'm pissed off the half getup felt surprisingly easy.He slams the door and I'm like #### this!With Get off of my cloud blaring in the background I take a deep breath exhale and do a full getup with the 28!!

Thank you LOVE you dad!

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