Tuesday, April 6, 2010

For fast fat loss so anaerobic cardio

It's been a while since I posted due to a very hectic schedule and being in kind of a funk.Anyway with the arrival of spring my motivation is back up again and I'm back to training hard again in my favorite element-OUTDOORS!

What I'd like to talk about today is the huge benefits of anaerobic cardio especially using bodyweight exercises.Many people dismiss bodyweight training in favor of weights,kettlebells,clubbells or whatever.However if you think about it barring physical limitations what could be more productive then mastering your own body?There are many approaches to training but what I want to talk about today is burning fat.I recently helped a friend drop 14 lbs in 6 weeks using this type of approach.

You want to use exercises that use as many muscles as possible at the same time.Things like pushups,burpees,and squats are ideal.If you're just starting out you can do 20 seconds of nonstop exercise then rest 10 seconds then repeat as many times as you can.Over time you will build up to more time doing the exercises.There are many ways to tweak this like 30/30,60/30 you need to be your own judge.
For those who like a challenge try this.Find a park bench or a picnic bench and get going!
100 step ups
25 pushups
75 stepups
25 pushups
50 byrpees
25 pushups
50 stepups
25 burpees.

Happy Training!

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Back to the future

Happy New Year!
As we all know this is the time of year when people make resolutions.The number of people joining gyms increases,people starting a diet jumps and so on and so on.I've never believed in making resolutions and I am not about to start.However I can state that this year will be entirely devoted to bodyweight training and no weights of any kind.This is not a resolution because it is a training plan that I will NOT break.

My training plan will revolve around convict conditioning,the shaolin workout,and in the nicer weather my playground workouts.I believe these 3 ekements blend perfectly together.I do the shaolin workout everyday as I love the results it's giving me and it's also an energizer.Plus it serves as a great warmup for the days when I do the CC.As far as the playground stuff goes many of you are aware that I absolutely love it!It's actually by far my favorite type of training.

No with the CC there is a lot of debate about where to start and how to "tweak" it.After reading it through twice I decided to put my ego aside and start from the very beginning.This means starting at stage one of the new blood program.Why would I do that when I can already do bodyweight stuff like pistols and such?Well there are a couple of reasons.First to refine my technique and to strengthen any weak areas I may have.Second to imprive my focus,be more disciplined,and give my body a break.In the sales letter for the book John Du Cane talked about something like strengthening the gaps that are causing leaks in your performance or something like that.I didn't quite understand what he was getting at but now I do.I previously mentioned how the wall pushup helped my shoulders but I was surprised by a couple of other things.On the knee bends I was shocked to find my thighs hurting after 20 reos even though I was concentrating on pulling with my abs.On the shoulderstand squats my balance and obliques strength have improved tremendously.Should be a fun year and I'll keep you posted on my journey!

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Becoming a convict

Hello once again

There seems to be a lot of debate on the dragondoor forum concerning the new book Convict Conditioning and if you already have it or have never heard of it I'd like to share with you my thoughts on it today.Many of you know I'm a BIG fan of bodyweight training so this automatically caught my interest.After careful consideration of the merits of the material and what my goals are I have decided I will devote 2010 soley to this combined with the shaolin workout.

I believe this is a great program for most fitness trainees regardless of your current level of conditioning or strenght.If you think about it what is more practical and functional in everyday life and recreation than learning to master your own bodyweight?The book gives you a clear cut plan to easily and safely progress through the various exercises to very advanced levels.Even someone who hasn't exercised in years can do this.

I realize many will disagree but as I've said before I can't see why people want to mess with heavy weights when they can't handle their own body properly.I suppose it stems from peoples early gym experience.It's easier for a trainer to stick you on a machine and tell you to push or pull then to make you have patience and properly perform basic bodyweight exercises.I'm not against weight training but I am anti machine except for rehab purposes.

So ladies especially if you want inspiration as to what bodyweight traing can do for you rent a DVD of say Terminator 2 or GI Jane and look at Linda Hamilton or Demi Moore.I will keep you informed on my journey in the coming year and share my thoughts and experience.Feel free to post a comment or a question.

Happy New Year

Friday, December 4, 2009

Thoughts on 28 days if the Shaolin Workout

So I finished my 28th day yesterday and had a lot of fun doing it.I enjoyed the concept of each day building on the previous one and even the meditations weren't as boring as I thought they might be.For those of you involved in martial arts you'd probably find the movements in this workout to be very basic.However I think anyone could benefit from this as the progressions become more advanced and the whole concept is that everyone no matter how skilled can improve every day.I consider myself very flexible and able to move pretty fluidly thanks to yoga but I still enjoyed this.

So how did it benefit me?In several ways it made me appreciate the need for active flexibility more.Second it gave me some different takes on joint mobility.More specifically I found my upper body wasn't as flexible as I thought but it helped me a lot there especially in the lateral plane of motion.Without focusing on it my speed of movement has increased a lot.The punches and kicks were great and helped improve my power.Overall it's made me feel lighter on my feet and improved my posture.

I would definitely recommend anyone to add this to their training arsenal.It's fun,very effective,and can be done anywhere.Through this and prior experiences I find my practice moving more and more towards training movements and not muscles.Moving more away from weights and more towards mastering my own body.So on to the next adventure!I'll keep you posted on what's up next week.

Monday, November 23, 2009

For those curious about the Shaolin Workout

It's been a while since I last ypdated my blog but I plan on trying to change that and keep things fresh.The last couple of months have been a bit trying physically for me as I'm not used to dealing with injuries.It's actually minor stuff in the big scheme of things but it still bugs me.I'm rehabing from rotator cuff surgery and dealing with some cracked and bruised ribs from a fall in a rollerblading park.Anyway I'll get straight to the point.

I first heard about this workout from my cousin who heard about it from someone in his martial arts class.I decided to check it out and bought the book.I really like the sub title 28 days to transforming your body and soul the warrior's way.The book gives a background about the history of shaolin and also the author Sifu Shi Yan Ming.It also explains that in the east traing is focused on flexibility and speed to create power whereas in the West the focus is on muscle building.

The workout plan itself is a 28 day plan.One day builds upon the next and each day includes a meditation.The exercises are not your typical stretches and they are dynamic in nature.You are urged to push yourself a little harder each day and that none of the movements no matter how it feels right now are not impossible to master.In fact with enough practice you can master every one of them.

Overall I really love this type of training and would highly recommend it to anyone but especially women because of it's lengthening and suppleness approach.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Thoughts on selective vs full body tension and other stuff

Though I'm not an exercise physiologist by any means I would say through self education and experimentation has increased tremendously over the last year or so.The people who have had a big impact on what I do include but are not limited to Pavel,Scott Sonnon,Eric Cobb,Paul Chek,and Adam Glass.Each of these individuals have their own style and philosophy but do have some things in common.

In doing single limb lifts such as presses I started out using full body tension on every rep when I first started training with my 18lb KB.Using that technique made it feel light as a feather.It obviously served me well as I progressed through the 16kg to the 24kg.As I became proficient at pressing the 24 I first read about the concept of selective tension.For those of you not familiar with it it's basically using only thje muscles required to accomplish the task.My first few attempts at using it were not very good.The KB felt much heavier than normal.However with continued practice I got the hang of it and now it's a breeze with whatever KB I'm using.The added bonus is now I have more energy in my workouts as I'm not wasting it on unecesaary tensing of other parts of the body.Give it a try.

I'm now playin around with (SEE) stored elastic energy and how I can use it not only in my yoga practice but apply it to power output for my KB work and other stuff.Stay tuned!

Saturday, May 30, 2009

A minsset evolution from working out to practice to playing

Hi Everyone,
It's been awhile since I've posted anything and there is good reason for that.I originally started this blog as basically a training journal due to a lot of interest from people wanting to know what my workouts were like.Over time my methodology and attitude towards training have radically changed.

When I first started training in a commercial gym I had the mindset like many others of doing bodybuilding type workouts followed by a long run on the treadmill or using a stair master.I judged my workout by how wiped out I was when I was done.To be honest I actually hated it.Then I found Pavel and loved his stuff and especially the concept of not working out but practicing strength.Thanks to the principles I learned my strength took off to the point where it stunned my family and friends.

For me though I felt something was still missing though.I wanted more tham just moving heavy weight and set routines I wanted freedom!LOL That's when I discovered Prasara yoga.The practice of it has given me all the fitness benefits I want and then some!My strenght has increased further still and my endurance is great with no other "cardio".Most important to me is that it has given me a mindset of play instead of training.Everyday I do it I feel like I'm 8 yrs old again playing with my friends!