Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Becoming a convict

Hello once again

There seems to be a lot of debate on the dragondoor forum concerning the new book Convict Conditioning and if you already have it or have never heard of it I'd like to share with you my thoughts on it today.Many of you know I'm a BIG fan of bodyweight training so this automatically caught my interest.After careful consideration of the merits of the material and what my goals are I have decided I will devote 2010 soley to this combined with the shaolin workout.

I believe this is a great program for most fitness trainees regardless of your current level of conditioning or strenght.If you think about it what is more practical and functional in everyday life and recreation than learning to master your own bodyweight?The book gives you a clear cut plan to easily and safely progress through the various exercises to very advanced levels.Even someone who hasn't exercised in years can do this.

I realize many will disagree but as I've said before I can't see why people want to mess with heavy weights when they can't handle their own body properly.I suppose it stems from peoples early gym experience.It's easier for a trainer to stick you on a machine and tell you to push or pull then to make you have patience and properly perform basic bodyweight exercises.I'm not against weight training but I am anti machine except for rehab purposes.

So ladies especially if you want inspiration as to what bodyweight traing can do for you rent a DVD of say Terminator 2 or GI Jane and look at Linda Hamilton or Demi Moore.I will keep you informed on my journey in the coming year and share my thoughts and experience.Feel free to post a comment or a question.

Happy New Year

1 comment:

Unknown said...

gl! i'm starting the CC program as well. I can already do 1arm pushups and pistols, but i want to work up to the elite levels. One-arm chin has always been a lofty, unreachable goal for me.