Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Applause for ALL women who train!

When the alarm went off this morning I was supposed to get up do some joint mobility work and train but I didn't.For a variety of reasond I was warm and comfy under the blanket so that's where I stayed.LOL I rarely do this but what the ehck the weights will be there tomorrow.As I had breakfast my mind wandered to the women who might be training as I sat on my butt.

I read a few forums but only post on the dragondoor forum.If you haven't checked it out you should for it's far and away the best in my opinion.Anyway there are a few women who post there but the great majority are men.I'm sure there are many female readers there but most don't post for one reason or another.

I would just like to take a moment to say I admire ALL of you!I won't name names for I'd be leaving too many people out.But from the cardio machines to the strength enthusiasts like myself and everyone in between you're all role models in my opinion.One last thought.If you don't post that's fine.Just remember though you're not competing against someone else.Everytime you train you win.ANY goal you reach no matter how big or small that might be deserves recognition!So to all thanks for the inspiration to keep pushing my limits!!

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