Saturday, November 8, 2008

When dealing with injuries bands can be your best friend!

For those of you not aware last week I suffered a couple of injuries.I won't bore you with details but the end result was a fracturd sinus and a broken left least I'm glad it wasn't my right hand or I'd really be in trouble!LOL Still typing with one hand is a pain in the butt.Anyway I spent last week dealing with the pain and feeling sorry for myself but that ends today.The swelling and bruising in my face has gone down and I need to do something.

So what to do?One option would be obviously single arm kettlebell work but I don't feel comfortable training in that fashion.So I decided to do my z health practice as usual and focus on total body strength with an emphasis on the lower body with bands.Using your imagination you can get a fantastic and fun workout in a short ammount of time.

So I set myself a 15 minute time limit and got started.I just did circuits of squats,forward lunges,backward lunges,run outs,lateral lunges,and get more of a total body effect I looped the bands over my shoulders and did a kind of a sled pull though I could only place one hand on the ground.So if you're feeling down and dealing with adversity don't focus on what you CAN'T do.Think of what you CAN do!

1 comment:

Crystal Schulz said...

Sorry to hear about your hand Nikki. I bet you told those guys a thing or two!

What an inspiration to see you still training despite adversity. Way to go girl!
